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Project Time horizon: 1 year
Project Time horizon: 1 year
Project Time horizon: 1 year
the projects
the projects
the projects
the projects
Project Nespresso 2nd Life Campaign
Project Time horizon: 1 year
Sometimes the issue you believe you see, is not real one. At Nespresso we believed long time that we need to make recycling just easier for consumers and this would bring recycling rates but. But it didn’t. More recycling points, pick up by the postman – it all didn’t move the needle anymore. In consumer qualitative we then found the underlying insight – and from this, I had born the idea on the 2nd Life Campaign.
I've always lived with two hearts in me: whilst one part of me is enjoying deep analytics [math’s, physics, etc] – the other part flourishes with creativity [art, photography, etc].
My mission is to satisfy & nourish both sides of me – through the perfect balance of work and other engagements – allowing me to always find the perfect mix to keep things in balance.
In my professional life – there are also these two sides in me: the creative one that defines & creates the essence and ideates the character of brands, builds brand identities leveraging new marketing tools – especially digital ones -, strives to find the next big business idea to drive sales and the analytical one – that translates the idea into a business context – that assesses the shares, the reach, the odds to succeed, writes business plans, creates capabilities in the organization, commits to the profit & manages the expectations in the organization up & down.
I believe in the power of questioning the status quo, in ideating the impossible and imaging the changes ahead in time. Hence, in the power of change & transformation.
I believe that the swarm intelligence always out-beats any individual capabilities, if stimulated and leveraged well. Hence the importance of envisioning, engaging, empowering and enabling people.
I believe in the power of diversity. But for me, diversity is not about sex, religion, age or other criteria, it is not about quotes, it is about valuing & celebrating the differences.
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